Paweł is an expert in detection and measurement techniques with a strong background in microbiology and biotechnology. He graduated from the Interfaculty Studies of Biotechnology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences in 2013. Working at the Maria Sklodowska – Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Paweł researched early detection of cancer cells in body fluids, and later – he studied molecular mechanisms of resistance of tuberculosis bacteria to anti-TB drugs at the National Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases Research Institute. As an expert in detection and measurement methods, Paweł invented a few relevant modifications which enhanced their sensitivity, repeatability, and overall performance. This led him to became one of the SERSitive cofounders and its CTO & COO.

publications: 8

citations: 111

h-index: 5


position: Co-founder and CEO of SERSitive

education: M.Sc. Eng. in Biotechnology

research: SERS, Raman Spectroscopy, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, DataScience, Python, MachineLearning

interests: Programming (Python), Cycling, travel

computer augmentend theoretical physics, mesocopic physics, thermodynamics, electrokinetics, hydrodynamics

publications: 27

citations: 390

h-index: 11


Robert Holyst (born 1963, MSc Physics 1986, Ph.D. Chemistry 1989, full professor 1998) is a principal investigator of the Soft Condensed Matter Group (since 1993) after a postdoc at the University of Washington (physics) (1989-1992), with extensive experience in leadership and management. He spent 2,5 years in Ecole Normale Superieure Lyon (as a visiting researcher/professor) and 0,5 years in Max Planck Institute for Polymer Science Mainz.
He was the v-Director (2007-2011) and Director (2011-2015) of the IPC PAS.

publications: 281

citations: 7918

h-index: 49


phone: (+48) 223433123

position: Head of the Group

education: Professor

research: soft matter, transport in cells, biological chemistry, material chemistry, spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, statistical physics

interests: Sailing

I am working on discovering physical markers in mammalian cells during cell death.


position: PhD Candidate

education: Masters in Biomedical Science

interests: Biophysics, immuniology, cell biology

Tomasz has broad expertise in fabrication of novel functional materials, based on conducting polymers and metallic and non-metallic nanoparticles. He graduated from Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, where he specialized in polymer synthesis and characterization of their fluorescent properties.

publications: 8

citations: 62

h-index: 6


phone: (+48) 223432067

position: Key researcher and co-founder of SILIQUAN

education: Ph.D. degree in Chemistry

I am a post-doc in the Soft Condensed Matter group. My field of intersest is diffusion and diffusion related dynamic processes occuring in soft matter systems including living cells.

citations: 1391

h-index: 19


interests: Fluorescence correlation spectorscopy, diffusion in crowded media, biophysics, microscopy, Simulations of diffusion and diffusion limmited reactions

I study biotechnology at the Warsaw University of Technology. I started my adventure with the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences by completing compulsory internships.


position: Student

education: Warsaw University of Technology

I am a PhD student at Soft Condensed Matter Team. I study nanoplastics in living cells via physical methods (FCS, FLIM, analysis of fluorescence).


position: PhD student

interests: Biophysics, bioimaging, cell biology

I am a master’s student of the Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw, with a specialization in Molecular biophysics. I started my adventure with the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in September 2020. I study reactions of DNA with small fluorescent molecules using FCS and brightness method, under the supervision of Karolina Kucharska and Robert Hołyst.


position: Student

education: University of Warsaw

(+48) 22 343-31-23

Kasprzaka 44/52, 01-224 Warsaw, Poland