I started my adventure with the Soft Condensed Matter Group in 2021. I have been working on the kinetics of the processes in living cells and thermodynamics in crowded environments. My research is conducted under the supervision of Grzegorz Bubak and Adam Kowalski.
publications: 1
citations: 7
h-index: 1
e-mail: ai.lis@student.uw.edu.pl
position: student
education: Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Warsaw
Asia graduated from the Faculty of Physics at Warsaw University with a specialization in Molecular biophysics (Bachelor’s degree). Currently, she is a master’s student in the same field of studies. Her bachelor’s thesis related to the analysis of internalization of the anticancer drug into living cells using FCS and she conducted research under the supervision of Karina Kwapiszewska and Aneta Karpińska. Her areas of scientific interest are cancer treatment and drug development. In her free time, Asia enjoys cooking, traveling, and snowboarding during the winter.
I study biotechnology at the Warsaw University of Technology. I started my adventure with the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences by completing compulsory internships.
I am a master’s student of the Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw, with a specialization in Molecular biophysics. I started my adventure with the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in September 2020. I study reactions of DNA with small fluorescent molecules using FCS and brightness method, under the supervision of Karolina Kucharska and Robert Hołyst.